LOCATION: War Memorial Park. 86 River St. West Bridgewater
We will cover the basics. Learn what camera settings are best. How lighting affects your subject and how to select good spots/location. We have four models - three are children (who love to pose) and one adult. After a brief talk we will have the models in different areas and you can walk around and photograph each. Please note that this is a popular spot for portrait photographers. Please be aware of your surroundings so you don’t get in someone else’s shot and you only visit our models.
Recommended Lenses: 50-85mm with a wide aperture (ex 2.8) will work best. Zoom lenses will work. Don’t have a wide aperture lens, no problem! You will still get great results. Bring what you have.
*After the event email me your favorites so I can send them to the models.
RSVP Please RSVP to me so I have an idea of how many participants we will have. Any questions? Ask away.
We will hold this event unless it is actively raining.
All members are welcome to join in, I hope to see you!!!!!!