Photo Credit: Ray Mahoney
Individual Membership: $60
Family Membership:$100
Student Membership: $20.00
>> click here to signup for the 2024-2025 club year. <<
Membership includes the following:
Speaker Presentations
We host speakers who bring their knowledge and talents to our members by making presentations to us both in-person and via Zoom. We also host workshops on various topics to give our members practical experience with their cameras and techniques. In the past, topics have included night photography, how to shoot landscapes, macro photography, astrophotography, still life, digital photography workflow, how to use Lightroom, photo critiques, creative lighting, and much more.
We offer workshops led by both members and professional photographers throughout the year. We have had workshops on creative lighting, creative photography, macro photography, matting and framing, Lightroom, exposure triangle, and more.
Road Trips
Approximately once a month a road trip is scheduled for club members. The road trips are designed to get people out to shoot photos and to socialize with fellow club members. We have had road trips to sites in Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Vermont, Maine, Rhode Island, New York, Pennsylvania and beyond. We have photographed fall foliage, urban areas, mansions, lighthouses, beaches and much, much more. Sometimes the road trips require you to sign up, and sometimes you just have to show up. We try to keep road trip costs low or free, although occasionally there are higher costs required for travel or admission to a location. We carpool as much as we can to help keep costs down. Only members in good standing (dues paid) can attend road trips.
Popup Road Trips
Anyone can schedule a Popup road trip! If you have an idea of a place that you want to go, you can post the idea to the Google Group and organize it yourself. It doesn’t have to be elaborate. In fact most popup road trips are to local places like the salt marshes in Quincy, World’s End in Hingham, and Scituate Light. If you want to share your photo experience with other members, just post the date, time and place to the Google Group.
Facebook Group
For Facebook fans, SSCC has a Facebook Group page that’s a lively forum for ideas and image conversation. Access to the Facebook group is restricted to SSCC members in good standing.
Google Group
Since not everyone has a Facebook account, SSCC also operates a Google Group to enhance member-to-member communication. Members can send messages to the Group address and they will automatically be delivered to the other members on that Group. These messages can include photos that you want to share, comments on others’ photos, questions, asking for advice, seeking help or opinions, and sharing information and links of interest to other members.
Access to the Google Group is restricted to SSCC members in good standing.
Stoughton Library Travel Series
For several years the South Shore Camera Club has teamed up with the Stoughton Public Library to present shows for the library’s monthly travel series. This travel series runs from September to June, but our club supplies the library only with shows from January to June of each year.
Club members are asked to prepare a travel show lasting about 40 minutes plus time for questions. The library appreciates good photography, but they also want presentations which include verbal information about the history, culture, etc., of a place. Each year we accumulate a list of all shows our members can present, and then the library staff selects the six they want from our club. Any U.S. or foreign destination can be the subject of a travel show, though New England sites are generally too close to be of interest to the library.
The library has a laptop computer, slide and digital projectors, a projection screen, and most cords needed for show presentations. The library staff is very friendly and willing to help with all technical issues. Slides or digital collections of photos are what the photographer must provide. Generally between eight and 25 people attend each show.
Club members who have presented one of these shows in the past are willing to help first-time presenters, so if you want to do one of these shows there is always someone to help you out. These shows are a great way to get publicity for the SSCC, and they also provide each photographer with a chance to show-off their work. Anyone with questions should contact Kevin Walsh at a club meeting.