OC - OCI - H - Cushing - Michael - Off to school 3.jpg

photo upload FAQ

Photo Credit: Michael Cushing

when are competition photos due?

Entry deadline is two Tuesdays before the competition night at 11:30PM.

Can I upload a photo for a future competitions?

Yes. Just visit the photo upload website and choose the appropriate month and category for the photo.

What’s the address to the website where I can upload photos?

The web address is https://sscc.photoclubservices.com.

I can log into the upload site, but it won’t let me add photos. What do I do?

Click the Contact link and send a note to us. We’ll figure out what’s going on.

What if I can’t remember my password to the upload site? 

If you do not know your password, click on the Login button and then the Reset Password button on the page, a new password will be sent to your email.

What size should my photos be before I upload them to the photo upload site?

Ideally the photos should be sized so that they do not exceed 1600 pixels (width) by 1200 pixels (height). If you size your photos smaller than this they may appear pixellated to the judge, and they will not display well on the screen.

I have uploaded one photo, and the site is telling me that I have reached the limit of photos I can upload. I thought we could enter two photos?

You can enter two photos. The message you are getting is saying that you have reached the maximum number of photos for that category (1). You can still upload a second photo to a different category.

The upload site does not like my photo title. Why?

It may be because your title has one of these characters in it: ~ \ / : " ? | < >. Remove the character and the title should be accepted.

What does the site mean by “Genuine Wildlife”?

We don’t use that feature, so there is no need to check that box.